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The World Wide Web is a vast space of unlimited knowledge...So many messages, healers and tools at our fingertips as never before... I created this page to provide links and resources you may find useful on your exploration of the internet.

If you have a link you would like to recommend, please email me and I will add it to my list. I welcome all opportunities to share, exchange and expand our broad network of energy and exchange.

bullet Metaphysical Stones for Healing -The creator of this website has an amazing connection to the energy of crystals and stones, she is a beautiful soul with a blessed gift. If you are seeking stones for healing, jewelry or just to learn more, check out Deborah's site!
bullet The book Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born by Robert Schwartz contains ten true stories of people who planned physical illness, having handicapped children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, losing a loved one, and severe accidents. The book presents the actual conversations people had with their future parents, children, spouses, friends, and other loved ones when together they planned the challenges they would experience in their upcoming lifetimes.
The Soul Mirror - A divinely inspired store located in Tampa, FL - a space of unique, tranquil energy, Carole's website and store a solace. Classes, workshops and gifts abound in this scared space.
bullet Sandy Medearis Art -Sandy is an amazing artist with exceptional talent for creating powerful and inspiring artwork. Her work speaks volumes from her heart and soul.
bullet For Light Believers - This newly created site encompasses a wealth of amazing and inspired information, events and people...Alaina has an energy that emanates from a space of pure love.
bullet Beautiful New Book by Kate Large - Waiting in the other room is an amazing story and provides insights and assistance for those who have loved and lost - a resource of healing and love
bullet The Crystal Dragonfly - Another beautiful space - this one is located just outside of Asheville, NC - a serene space with wonderful healers, classes and gifts.
bullet Mountain Light Sanctuary - One of the greatest gifts I came across in moving to Asheville, was the Mountain Light Sanctuary - a truly magical oasis. Time stands still here and the energy is pure love. I have hosted transformational retreats in this beautiful sanctuary. Perfect for day trips or vacations.
bullet Body, Mind, Spirit - This is a directory of healers, intuitives and metaphysical stores and professionals all across the United States. A wonderful resource if you are seeking a center or store in your town.
bullet Lightworkers - For those who follow a path of being a Lightworker, this site is dedicated to you, your work and your timeless energy. Steve and Barbara Rother are the founders of this site and have wonderful messages and resources to share with the world.
bullet Natural Awakenings - A local and national publication full of gifted writers providing wonderful advice and knowledge. Check their website to see if your city features a local print edition!
bullet Karen Bishop - Karen Bishop has been working with the energies of ascension for several years now and is fully dedicated her pathway to assisting others on their spiritual journeys. Her website features a wealth of information on ascension and new waves of energy we are experiencing. **Karen is making updates to her website, please check back often**
bullet Planet Lightworker - An online publication dedicated to the Lightworkers of the world.
bullet Children of the New Earth - Indigo Children- From the creators of Planet Lightworker, is a wonderfully insightful and highly beneficial online publication for parents of young children, often referred to as Crystal, Indigo or Rainbow children - Each month is full of amazing information that is useful and timely.
bullet Lightworkers Community -  A resource of message boards, classes, channels, forums and blogs - dedicated to the work and energy of Lightworkers.
bullet Soul Connection - *Christina* provides a wonderful website, service and energy to all those seeking connection to their highest selves through soul connection.
bullet A Site of GREAT Resources -  Personal Growth from Self Growth
bullet Truth Contest - This is a contest to find and spread the truth about life and death, the ultimate truth. Give us some truth. You may represent religion, philosophy, science, or yourself. Any seers or prophets out there?

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This site was last updated 10/27/13                                                                                                                       Copyright © 2004 - 2013